

In this section, you can manage your bookings and short-term tenancy contracts. You can perform the following operations: Create a booking, Edit a booking, Add a note, Record a check-out, Archive a booking, Regenerate payments, Display the related documents, Display the finances, Delete a booking. You have the option to filter records using various criteria (such as owner, property). You can export your records using the “Export” action located at the bottom of the table.

Rents, Invoice and Payment Notices

Rent creation For each tenancy agreement, rent payments and payment notices are automatically generated on the first day of the month by default, unless otherwise indicated. You have the option to set the date on which you wish to generate the notice and rent, by adding a delay in days before the rent receipt date. This option can be configured in the tenancy file. Rent periodicity The rent periodicity (by default, the 1st) defines the tenancy period, and this configuration is carried out in the tenancy file. For example, if you choose the 1st of the month, the period on Read more

Sending the rent receipt to your tenant

Tenants Invited and Connected to Rentila Automatic sending of the rent due notice Tenants who are invited, connected, and have access to Rentila automatically receive an email notification (this option can be enabled/disabled in the tenancy file) as soon as their rent is generated in the “Finances” section. The email contains a direct link to download the document, the rent due notice or the rent receipt. Tenants who are not connected and whom you have not invited do not receive automatic emails from Rentila. Manual sending of the rent receipt or rent due notice Once the payment is marked as Read more

Download multiple rent receipts

To download multiple rent receipts at the same time, follow these steps: Go to the Finances section, Check the payments in question, Click on the “Export” button at the bottom of the table, then select “Export rent receipts”. Rentila will then create an archived file (in zip format) containing all the requested rent receipts. If you have requested fewer than 10 rent receipts, the download of the .zip file is immediate. If you have requested more than 10 rent receipts, you will receive a download link by email. Please note that this operation may take some time, so please be Read more

Add an additional amount to a rent

You can add additional amounts to a rent. These lines can be of two types: “Rent” or “Charge”, such as cleaning, parking, taxes, and other exceptional payments. To do this, you simply need to provide the information in the “Other charges” section. You can add them to a rent already generated in the “Finances” section or at the time of creating a tenancy. If you add them to a tenancy, these payments will appear on the tenancy agreement and all associated rent receipts and payment notices.