
Create, edit or delete a task

Create a task To add a new task, follow these simple steps: Navigate to the “Tasks” section and click on “New Task”. For each task, you can enter the following information: The property or building, The due date (once the date is exceeded, the task becomes Overdue), The assigned individuals to this task, whether it be the landlord or one or more tenants, The subject, The description, The associated documents. The task can be one-off (for a specific date) or recurring (every month or each year on a specific date). Each person assigned to the task will receive a notification Read more

Tasks and reminders

In this section, you can create and manage tasks and reminders (such as insurance renewal, annual heating equipment maintenance, various reminders, etc.). You can perform the following operations: Create a task, Modify a task, Display a task, Duplicate a task, Complete an ongoing task (once completed, you can reopen it), Delete a task. You can filter records based on different criteria such as the landlord, the property, the person in charge, or the status. Furthermore, you have the option to export your records using the “Export” action available at the bottom of the table.