Recurring expense management

Create a recurring expense

You have the option to create a recurring payment from the “Finances” section by selecting “Add an Expense”. Choose the type of payment, the frequency of recurrence, as well as the start and end dates, then click on “Save”.

The creation of a recurring expense has several advantages, including:

  • Automated management: It allows for the automation of tracking regular expenses, such as monthly or annual bills, thus avoiding the need to manually enter this information each time.
  • Time saving: By setting up a recurring expense, you save time by not having to enter the same payment information repeatedly.

Modify a recurring payment

To make changes to a recurring payment, whether it’s the amount or the details, access the last payment generated and make the necessary changes, then click on “Save”. These modifications will apply to all future payments.

Please note that payments already generated must be modified manually, one by one.