
Create an event

To add an event to the calendar, follow these simple steps: Go to the “Calendar” section and then click on “New Event”. For each task, you can enter the following information: The properties, The title of the event, The start and end date and time, Set up a reminder, The participants. Each participant in this event will receive a notification as soon as it is created. It is important to note that only tenants who are connected and have access to Rentila will receive email notifications.


In this section, you can create and manage events, while having an overview of upcoming events, such as the start and end of tenancies, bookings, tasks, interventions, as well as the one-off events you have created, like appointments and others. You can access it by using the “Calendar” icon located at the top left. You can perform the following operations: Create an event, Edit an event, Delete an event. You can filter records based on different criteria such as the owner, the property, or the date. Export the calendar to synchronize with an external calendar You have the option to Read more

Sync your bookings calendar with Airbnb, Booking or Google

Export the Rentila booking calendar In order to sync your Airbnb, Booking, Tripadvisor, Arbitel or Google calendar, you have to follow these steps: Go to the Bookings section. Click on the Export action button on the bottom of the bookings’ list. Please select the related property and copy the link. This link is also visible in the file of every property. When in your Airbnb account, enter the property details, Availability settings tab, then Sync calendars. Import the Rentila link. Now your Rentila bookings are updated in your Airbnb account. Import your Airbnb bookings In order to import your Airbnb Read more