How to manage renovations and repairs when purchasing a BTL property

If you recently purchased a buy-to-let (BTL) property, you’re probably projecting just how much rental income you’ll generate over the next few years. However, the work’s just getting started.

As any experienced landlord knows, managing repairs and renovations is key to keeping tenants happy and profits flowing. But how should you go about it?

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Should You Renovate Your Buy-to-let Property

Choosing to renovate a buy-to-let property is an entirely different decision from remodeling a home. If you decide to renovate a family home, that’s more to do with a family’s need for space. But when it comes to buy-to-let property, decisions should be based on financial circumstances. So, if you are currently in a quandary as to whether you should renovate your BTL, sit back for 5 minutes and let us help you out with the number crunching.

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7 Tips to Save Money As a Landlord

With new tax changes in 2020 squeezing margins for landlords, it’s becoming more difficult to turn a profit each month. It’s important that rental entrepreneurs protect their bottom line. So here are 7 of the best tips to save money as a landlord.

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How landlords can renovate and decorate the perfect rental properties for tenants?

Renovating properties to let them to tenants can be a great way to buy a property cheaply and increase the value of your investment. However, there are lots of mistakes that landlords, and particularly new landlords make. Follow these tips to renovate perfect rental properties which withstand wear and tear and are appealing to prospective tenants.

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